Since the question just poped up I would like to say something about Object Change Listener.
If you are developing within Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 (SP1 / R2) you have the possibility to use the new RoleTailoredClient (RTC). This RTC does not execute buisines logic anymore. The buisines logic is executet on the ServiceTier, a new service which came with NAV 2009.
When you develop objects within NAV 2009 and want to see them in RTC it can happen that your changes are not available. This is nothing new if you had more then one client developing in yout database before. But with RTC it does not solve the problem to restart your client. This is caused by the new architecture. Since the objects are called from servicetier you have to restart the servicetier instead.
Since in most cases there is only one servicetier for multiple RTClients, you do not want to do this to often.
Of course Microsoft knows about this and provides the object change listener to solve the problem.
The object change listener does no more but to watch the objects within the database and cause the servicetier to fetch the newest version of an object if it was changed.
There is an article available at MSDN how to enable the object change listener.
MSDN-Article: Activate Object Change Listener
If you want to know wether your Object Change Listener is activated for the current database you could have a look at the sys.databases-table. There is a field called is_broker_enabled which tells you the current status.